NCAA Gymnastics Live Blog: January 8, 2021

Oh, hi there. It's been a while.

So my last post was back in March before.... you know..... But anyways, I have been meaning to come back for quite some time, but I just did not know what to post or what to say. With a new NCAA season now upon us (whether or not we should really be having a season is... questionable at best, but here we are), I finally feel as though I have something to talk about.

Also, I meant to make a more "formal" announcement regarding the Imperalism Map that I have done for the past two years, but then I forgot to make said announcement (I did not put it on a sticky note, which means I was never going to able to remember to do it). I will not be doing the NCAA Gymnastics Imperalism Map this year. Mainly because it feels quite pointless because is this even really a season? Also, it would be quite difficult to navigate meet cancelations, make-up meets, etc. I also, quite frankly, did not have time to update the map to remove the teams that have already announced that they will not be competing this season. So, there's that.

I was actually planning on going in-person to the Georgia-Missouri meet today, but I did not win the ticket lottery, so I decided to live blog all of the meets that will be going on today. The SEC is lierally the only conference that has decided to do meets today, so we will be getting four SEC meets in a row.

Note that all of the streaming links above require a cable log-in

Normally, by this point I would have done tons of research on these teams, the freshmen, the injury lists, etc. But as a result of the official fantasy gymnastics being cancelled, everything else going on, and just overall not feeling as invested, I have basically no idea what is going on. 

Missouri @ Georgia

Missed the first two vaults and the first bars routine because I was having issues with my cable login, classic. And now my wifi won't work, so this is already going great.

Not one of the judges having a mask below the nose....

Chelsey Christensen (MIZ UB): Finally gets to go after a billion years of waiting. Good tkatchev and shoot over. Full to double front stuck. Good handstands, that was nice.

Victoria Nguyen (UGA VT): Y full, hop back. Could use a bit more height, but a good debut! I'm glad she's healthy.

Amaya Marshall (MIZ UB): Awesome jaeger to shoot through! Full in with crazy height. 

Mikayla Magee (UGA VT): Stuck Y 1.5! You love to see it. This is a money vault for UGA, game changer.

Jena Swanson (MIZ UB): Leg separations on maloney and pak. Short final cast to handstand. Deep landing on full in and a step. 

Abbey Ward (UGA VT): Tsuk full. Big hop back and some piking down.

Hollyn Patrick (MIZ UB): Good jaeger. Short on the handstand after and a little funky on the shoot over. Stuck-ish double layout.

Megan Roberts (UGA VT): oof locked leg landing on the 1.5. Knees bent throughout as well. 

Orosco (MIZ UB): Nice Ray and shoot over. Small hop back on double layout. Best handstands and form we've seen so far

After Rotation 1: UGA 48.875, Missouri 49.025 

UGA looks better on vault than last year, especially once they get Luckas back. Those fulls have potential once they get the landings and they have more 10.0 start values. I was worried about Missouri bars without Helen Hu, but they looked nice and have potential once they get those handstands.

Sienna Schreiber (MIZ VT): Y full, not a lot of distance and hop back.

Amanda Cashman (UGA UB): Arch on first handstand. Good tkatchev and shoot over. Short on final cast. Step forward on double layout.

Adalayna Hufendiek (MIZ VT): Chest low and piked down on the Y full. Tiny hop back.

Emily Schild (UGA UB): I am very interested to see this. Good first handstand and ray. Slightly short on the shoot over. Excellent form throughout. Oof. Piked down and many steps forward on double layout. Touched her hand on the mat. Everything was great before that- her elite training really shows on those handstands. 9.600

Marshall (VT): Great power, step forward on the Y full. 

Haley De Jong (UB): Good handstands and great ray. Could've shown more control on shoot over. Great double layout with a hop back. 9.850

Hannah McCrary (VT): Piked down Y full with a hop.

Roberts (UB): Missed handstand on toe full. Good maloney to shoot over. Hop back on double layout. They should take out that toe full, it seems unecessary. 

Swanson (VT): Good height, almost stuck 1.5, but takes a step back. Great addition for Missouri.

Nguyen (UB): Good first handstand and pak. Maloney to gienger. Stuck double layout. Awesome.

I just noticed that I've been calling a jaeger a gienger this entire live blog. I'm rusty.

Oakley (UB): Say a prayer. Piked jaeger. Pak slight leg form. Good handstands. Stuck-ish full-in. Thank God she hit!!! It's always a good day when Marissa Oakley hits.

After Rotation 2: UGA 98.200, Missouri 97.325

UGA already looks much better than last year on this event. Missouri not bad on vault.

Nguyen got a 9.950!! We have to stan. The live scores aren't working so I honestly am not paying attention to the scores lol. It doesn't matter, I'm just happy to have gymnastics

Magee (BB): Officially the first country song during a beam routine of the season. Nice triple series. Hop on the 1.5 dismount. Nice job. Stan Mikayla Magee.

Gottula (FX): Wait so she got pulled from vault but is doing floor? K. Nice double tuck. Wow awesome height on the second pass (I didn't count the twists she did sorry). Low chest on the double pike but pretty good!

Alyssa Perez-Lugones (BB): Front tuck mount!!! We love to see it. Front walk over to switch leap?? Amazing. Little wobble on the series. Back gainer full. We must stan.

Swanson (FX): A little short on the double pike. Front full whoopsie she almost fell but saved it. Another front full? Idk how to count twists, my brain isn't used to this.

Oakley (BB): please hit. please hit. Wolf turn. ahhhhh almost falls on the series but she stayed on. Wobble on the ring leap. Gainer full. I need her to figure out how to hit beam this year.

Schreiber (FX): Same music Anastasia Webb had like two years ago lol. Chest down on double pike. Rudi to back loso. I stan anyone that does that pass.

Nguyen (BB): Candle mount looks nice. I forget that no one does that in ncaa lol. Onodi to side aerial, iconic. Y turn. Everything about that was amazin, we must stan.

Marshall (FX): Punch front tuck to double pike. The split leap.... get rid of it. Back 1.5 punch to front pike. Short on double tuck. Great potential.

De Jong (BB): Switch leap to split jump. Front aeiral to beat jump. Good series. Side aerial to full oooo deeeeep landing.

FYI, I don't think I can focus on two meets at once, so I'll switch over to Florida once this is over.

McCrary (FX): Rudi. Pretty stuck double pike. Nice.

Baumann (BB): Side aerial to loso big wobble. Beat jump to switch side. Stuck 1.5 butswung her arms.

After Rotation 3: UGA 147.075, Missouri 146.100

Missouri looked nice on floor, nothing flashy but nice clean routines. Georgia had a couple of wobbles, but any Georgia beam rotation without a fall is a victory to me.

McCrary (BB): Front toss to beat jump. Good series. Nice full turn. Split jump to double stag. Gainer pike. Very nice.

Magee (FX): Amazing pike full in. Back 1.5 to puch layout. Chest a bit low on double pike. I get the "I'm gonna have the season of my life" vibes from her performance today.

Christensen (BB): Some knees on the series. Love the Taylor Swift in the background. Falls on quarter side jump. 

Austin (FX): Big full in. Very interesting choreography. Front full to punch layout. Tiktok dances now? Idk I'm old I guess. Ooo almost fell on double tuck she was very short.

Patrick (BB): Solid series. Good full turn. Ouch. Hard fall on the switch leap, her foot slipped. It was going pretty well for Missouri until now.

Hawthorne (FX): Prince routine? We must stan. A bit out of control on the double pike. Pucnch front to full to really high split jump. Short on the double tuck.

Gottula (BB): Little wobble on the triple series. Shaky on the full turn too. Step back on the gainer full.

Nguyen (FX): Front double to punch front tuck. Fell out of Y turn, but stan anyone that does turns in NCAA. Good double pike.

Schaffer (BB): Almost falls on triple series. Front aerial to beat jump. Probably short on those split leaps. Stuck 1.5 dismount.

Perez-Lugones (FX): Great double pike. Stan ncaa gymnasts that can actually dance. I also love that they are putting her later in the lineup. Out of bounds on the double back.

Schreiber (BB): Small check on the triple series. Leap series directly connected to the dismount! That was nice, especially since the rest of the lineup was rough.

Baumann (FX): Triple wolf, love Georgia just putting in these turns because they can. Double arabian a bit short. Nice final pass. 

Final: UGA 196.150, Missouri 194.250

It was going well for Missouri until beam, they'll want to forget this one. Georgia looked nice and is definitely on track to have a better year

Florida @ Auburn

Gobourne (UB): Nice tkatchev to pak. Stuck full-in. Great job.

After Rotation 2: Florida 98.600, Auburn 98.100

Watson (BB): Good full turn, Some knees on the series, Check on side aerial. Hop forward on the 1.5

Clapper (FX): Wasn't expecting to see her on floor, but I'm happy about it. Out of bounds on the double tuck. Good middle pass. I stan the blackpink music. Good double pike.

Brusch (BB): Front aerial to split jump. Solid series. Probably short on the switch leap and foot off on the back tuck. Gainer full. Pretty good.

Richards (FX): Double layout! Ok hi. 1.5 to front layout is good. A bit short on the double tuck.

Sylvia (BB): Really lovely full turn.Beautiful series. "Icewater running through her veins"... I guess this commentator is a fan of KJC lol. Fall noooo we hate to see it.

Johnson-Scharpf (FX): Double arabian hi!!! 1.5 to front layout is also good. Once again, stan ncaa gymnasts that can dance. Hop forward on double tuck.

Gobourne (BB): Small check on the series. Covers up a wobble on the full turn. Check on the side aerial. Double full.

Baumann (FX): Huge double tuck. 1.5 to front full is lovely. Fall on double pike, darn. Looks... not okay? She got up slowly and is not bent over.

McLaughlin (BB): Nice series. Nice positions all around. Hop forward on the gainer pike. Very nice.

Reed (FX): Really nice double layout. Megan Thee Stallion, we have to stan. Great double pike too. The was great!

Stevens (BB): Nice series. Cat jump to switch ring... idk get rid of the switch ring. Front toss to knee to wolf turn. 1.5 dismount with hop back.

Thomas (FX): Amazing double layout as always. Big bounce back on the double pike, but we don't care because it's Trinity.

After Rotation 3: Florida 147.900, Auburn 147.075

I'm actually going to switch over since this meet is taking a billion years. I also heard on Twitter that Arkansas might beat LSU sooooo

Arkansas @ LSU

Lovett (ARK FX): Front layout front full. Big slide back on the double back.

Stan Arkansas and their mask protocols.

Johnson (BB): Nice full turn. Falls on the series, nooo. Wobble on the front toss too. Stuck double full.

Hambrick (FX): Beautiful double tuck. Rudi to punch back layout to jumpy thing? Cool. Good double pike too.

Campbell (BB): Wobble on the series. This is odd because wasn't beam supposed to be their best eveent by far this year? Hop forward on the double full.

Carter (FX): Beautiful double tuck. I love how Arkansas focuses on execution and does these "easier" skills well. Bit of a big step out of the double pike, but very good overall.

After Rotation 3: LSU 147.200, Arkansas 147.275

Elswick (BB): Lean on the dismount but fought for the stick. I missed the first part, but it was a hit

Dean (FX): Almost out of bounds on double pike, but she stayed in. Out of bounds on the middle pass, on both feet. Low chest on the double tuck...

Lovett (BB): Good on the switch leap split jump. Front aerial to Back loso, a bit of feet form. Side aerial to full stick!

Edwards (FX): Big step out of the double front full, wonky on the middle pass- was that supposed to be a tuck? Near-stick on the double tuck.

O'Hara (BB): We stan a graduate student still competing. Side aerial back handspring, would like to see the toes pointed. Split jump to double stag. Side aerial to 1.5 very close to the beam and steps off the matt. Darn.

Desiderio (FX): Very nice double layout. 1.5 to front layount was good too. Big-ish step back on double tuck, but that was nice and what LSU needed.

Shaffer (BB): Lovely switch leap, the height on that was great. Falls on the acro series nooooo. I hate it here. Falls again on the front aerial. I really hate it here. Stuck dismount.

Shchennikova (FX): Big step out of the front double full, Short on the middle pass but covers it. Oof very short on her rudi and misses a connection.

Carter (BB): Beautiful mount. Great series. She's just lovely. Beat jump to double stag. Small check on the front aerial but beautiful sissone. Hop on the dismount.

Bryant (FX): This is probably my favorite LSU floor routine this year. Amazing double front. A bit lack of a control on the rudi. Double front full. Good job.

Hambrick (BB): So Bryant got a 9.975... a bit high but ok. Good series. Nice leaps. Beat jump to straddle 3/4 nice. Stuck gainer full!

Johnson (FX): Slides back on full-in, Nice 1.5 to front layout. Double pike is good as well. That will be enough for LSU to get the win.

Final: LSU 196.550, Arkansas 196.350

I can't comment on the result because I did not watch the full meet, but Arkansas looked great! I like their elegence and cleanness. LSU had some issues which was a bit unexpected because they looked ready at their preview meet.

I'll be signing off for the night even with Kentucky-Alabama still going on. I am happy to have gymnastics back!
