Underrated Floor Routines

It's time to take a break from all of this Worlds teams drama. Today I will be sharing with you some of my favorite floor routines that are underrated. I'm defining underrated as "not something you'd usually see in someone's favorite floor routines list".  Share some of your favorites in the comments!

Anna Grudko (RUS) 2006

Russian toe point excellence. Anna was Russia's vault (and sometimes floor) specialist in 2006 and early 2007. She was the 2006 European vault champion, but she kind of disappeared after not making Russia's 2007 Worlds team. Based on the videos I watched, Anna was very inconsistent on floor, and this was the only hit routine I found. The music and the choreography could be more interesting, but what she does she does nicely.

Anna Rodionova (RUS) 2013
Russian toe point excellence part 2. 2013 was not that long ago, but I feel like people have already forgotten about Anna Rodionova. I chose this particular video because even though she falls on the last pass, she makes up an ending pose right on the spot.

Dasha Joura (AUS) 2008
In case you were worried that my whole list would be Russians, have no fear.... well wait... she is of Russian descent. Crap.
This floor routine is basically Svetlana Boginskaya meets Victoria Moors, and it's great. The double full to immediate floor roll to leap series made me miss the 08 COP for half a second.

Pang Panpan (CHN) 2006
This routine got a bit of well-deserved love and attention in 2016 when Mao Yi did a tribute routine (or, as Miss Val would say, a legacy routine). I love how in the description it says "Great twisting and Sexy dance!". Never change YouTube...

Hrabrina Hrabrova (BUL) 1988

This routine is so extra and so 1988. If only everyone committed to their floor routines like she does...
Olga Chudina (USSR) 1988
Just your typical 1980s Soviet floor greatness. It's too bad we never got to see Olga at any major competitions.
Dominique Pegg (CAN) 2010
Just ignore the first minute of this video where Tim, Al, and Elfie blab on about nothing. The rest of it is worth the wait.
Anna Myzdrikova (RUS) 2009
The double arabian is so good it could send you to heaven. Oh and more people should do triple twist + back tuck. Get rid of these triple twist to front tucks because this is far superior.

I may do a part 2 because there are so many gems out there.
