2019 U.S. Worlds Selection Camp Live Blog

Hello! I am returning to live blogging since I enjoyed it so much during the U.S. Classic. I missed Nationals because it was the same weekend that I moved back to school, but I am super excited to see how Worlds Selection Camp goes down.

There's been a lot of talk about the U.S. Worlds team because there are so many appealing options, but only 5 can make the team.

Here's where (I think) we stand right now:
  • Simone Biles will make the team. Duh.
  • Jade Carey has a very good shot of being a VT/FX specialist for the team. Or if she finishes 3rd AA again, might as well have her do all-around at Worlds; although hopefully this Camp won't be as disastrous as Day 1 of Nationals.
  • Jordan Chiles is still on the outside looking in even after a strong Nationals. If everyone else hits, she probably won't be one of the top all-arounders. But if she continues to show this new-found consistency and everyone else falls apart, she could make it. And an Amanar might help...
  • Kara Eaker needs to hit beam. She could compliment Carey as a specialist (especially since her bars have been improving, although she shouldn't do bars in the team final...), but she needs to show that her beam routine would be a massive score that the U.S. can't leave home.
  • Morgan Hurd would need to show improvements on her performances from this season, especially on floor. I think if Eaker makes the team Hurd should too so that Hurd could do bars in the team final. Uneven bars is Hurd's most compelling argument especially with McCusker out.
  • Sunisa Lee should be on the team barring an American Classic bars disaster. Even if she's not the number 2 all-arounder, I think her bars score is too good to leave home especially since this group overall is not strong there.
  • Grace McCallum probably needs an Amanar or needs to be the best DTY to show she can't be left out of the vault lineup. If Hurd isn't back to full difficulty on floor, that helps McCallum.
  • Mykayla Skinner needs Carey to not be hitting or needs to be significantly ahead of McCallum/Hurd on VT/FX
  • Leanne Wong is similar to McCallum in that she needs to show she's team final lead-off worthy on vault/floor. Staying clean on UB/BB helps too. We're also on Amanar-watch for Wong.
  • I don't think Finnegan, E. Lee, Thomas (I'm sorry), or Torrez are in the conversation right now, but crazier things have happened....
Live Blog

Trinity getting some extra love in the introductions AS SHE DESERVES.

I didn't mention my prospective team in my preview whoops

Biles, Lee, Carey, Eaker, Hurd is what I'm thinking. Alt. McCallum or Wong
This 100% depends on how Hurd looks on floor/vault.

VT: (Hurd), Lee, Carey, Biles
UB: (Carey/Eaker it doesn't matter lol), Hurd, Biles, Lee
BB: (Hurd), Lee, Eaker, Biles
FX: (Lee/Hurd), Lee/Hurd, Carey, Biles

Eaker FX: stuck first pass (didn't count the twists), hit triple, very good third pass, bit deep on double pike but that was really good. Please hit beam please hit beam please hit beam

Simone FX: OOB (?) on triple double but yolo it's a triple double. Really good Biles to stag. OOB again on double double but still a legend and a queen.

14.000 for Eaker's floor. 14.8 Biles.

Wong FX: DOS SANTOS STUCK AND PERFECT. GAGE ain't playing. Double Arabian instead of 3.5, good choice. Stuck triple. almost falls out of 2.5 (or was it a 1.5)? It was going so well. I was about to put her on my Worlds team it was that good asdfghkl

Also, I like the music. Fight me. 13.300 for Wong doesn't help her.

Carey FX: OOB on Moors. Wobble on Double L. OOB again on Chuso. Good double double. Stays in on last pass. Some errors but I still think she's the second best floor worker and the D score will save her (unless she doesn't get credit for her dance elements)

This meet will probably take 12 hours.

Chiles FX:  I'm always afraid she'll fall on the wolf turn. Nice Chuso!  bit low on DLO. low chest on 1.5 to double back. Fall on 2.5 NOOOO.

13.900 for Carey. Eaker is a better floor worker than Carey :p

Hurd FX: Good double double! Yay upgrades! DLO nice. Changes the third pass to a combo rather than front double full. Fall on choreo (?) Bit deep on double pike. Don't think that should count as a fall but it was still weird.

13.100 for Hurd well.... we'll see how McCallum does. Big opening for her with Wong/Hurd not being absolutely fantastic.

E. Lee FX: DLO! nice. Nasty looking fall on twisting pass yikes. Really high double tuck. Nice double pike. So close to a really good routine. Only an 11.8

Chiles is warming up an Amanar

Torrez FX: Chuso I think she went OOB. Is this the same music Lexie Priessman had in 2012 lol. Good DLO. Good Front tuck to double tuck. Good Full in. Nice job!

Wong VT: Fall on DTY. This is not going well for her.

Thomas FX: Fall on Biles. We're canceling floor exercise. Good DLO. Another fall on a front full. Why is God so cruel? Good double pike.

Carey VT: Amanar almost stuck! That really helps after a mediocre (for her) floor, although if everyone else keeps falling it won't matter at all.

Sunisa FX: Low double double but it's not a fall which at this point is amazing. Good DLO. Back to back wolf turns.... I'll just pretend that didn't happen. Good 1.5 to 1.5 (? I'm bad at counting the twisting passes). Hit double tuck. If she keeps hitting she'll be on the team.

Hurd VT: the stream just cut away but I'm guessing she hit her DTY?

Eaker VT: 1.5 almost stuck but bent legs

Skinner FX: O WOAH O WOAH. Moors barely in bounds but nice job. Hits front tuck to double tuck. Low double double but hit. Triple twist nice! Ok so that helps her a lot. If no one else can hit floor is it worth it to take Carey and Skinner? Stay tuned....

14.800 for Hurd on vault so yes she hit

McCallum FX: Bit low on double double. hit front double full to front tuck. Hit full in. Nice to see her smile. Hit double tuck. Nice job!

14.000 for Eaker's vault. It would be amazing if she went 14+ on every event haha.

Ok I took a bathroom break and missed some routines sorry

Morgan UB: falls over on handstand :(((( this isn't going well for her

Skinner VT: Amanar with Shawn Johnson cross step.

McCallum: Nice DTY. No Amanar, but she may not need it anymore

E. Lee: DTY although it looked very tucked.

Torrez VT: nice DTY

Eaker UB: some handstands but a nice hit. STUCK COLD DLO. please hit beam please hit beam please hit beam.

12.550 for Hurd..... I would not put her on the team anymore. I was iffy about it anyways but believed in the "she peaks later!!" argument

Simone UB: Falls on double double goodbye world

Wong UB: ok combos! hop back on DLO. Nice job.

I'm bad at live blogging UB skills whoops.

Carey UB: good Ray. Shaposh to bhardwaj yesss. Some missed handstands. Stuck full in. Jade Carey for UB in the team final.

Skinner UB:  close on tkatchev, some handstands, legs on shaposh half, steps off mat on double double

Hurd BB: wobble on switch leap. We missed the first half. full in (!) dismount.

McCallum UB: low on tkatchev, fall on stalder pike :/. Bars isn't really critical for her but hitting 4/4 would've been huge today. Missed toe on full handstand but still connects full in and sticks.

KARA BB: hits the mount thank you Jesus. Doing all of the connections. So solid. I'm crying. Kara Eaker for World BB champion. Give her a 10 E score you cowards.

E. Lee UB: barely catched piked jaeger. Nice DLO.

Torrez UB: some legs and handstands but overall really nice. I thought she was about to die on the DLO but she pulled it out

Biles BB: big wobble on front aerial. just a full in. looked pretty normal for Simone.

Thomas UB: almost falls on the very first handstand asdfghjlllkdm. Beautiful besides the opening error.

15.200 for Eaker I am in heaven. I didn't really see myself as a Kara stan before this but.... here we are.

Wong BB: a few wobbles in the beginning. Amazing L turn. hitting everything. almost rotated triple. That was lovely, but I can't see her making this team without vt/fx....

Carey BB: pretty solid routine. I don't think her status has changed, she's going to Worlds.

Sunisa got a 15 on bars and we didn't even see it. She's still in position to go to Worlds too.

Finnegan BB: deep on Arabian but hit. nice loso series. wobble on choreo. please take out that ring leap. we love unique dismounts. nice job.

Chiles BB: nice loso series. looking good. weird miss on a leap combo. nice double pike. Good comeback after a disappointing start.

McCallum BB: ok those wolf turns were nice... there I said it. But if they're not devalued in the next COP.... looking solid so far. bit low on the double pike.

E. Lee BB:nice punch front. NICE layout. Okay Miss Emily Lee I SEE YOU. wobble on front aerial. low double pike but wow. SEND HER TO WORLDS.

Torrez BB: BACK FULL SO GOOD. Amazing LOSO series. She's killing it. Omg I jinxed her she fell off a punch front. Nice height on double pike. SEND HER TO WORLDS TOO.

Thomas BB: looking nervous ughhhh. but she's hitting. Love the three leap combo. nice double full. She stayed on Thank You Jesus.

Sunisa BB: killig it. wobble on the back tuck. wobble on side aerial. nice double back. Sunisa Lee is going to Worlds!! :)

So I might be ending this live blog before the meet ends because my laptop battery is on life support

Skinner BB: SOLID BACK FULL. Okay sis go off. Low on the full in but I think that's the best beam I've seen from her in elite.

I still say Carey over Skinner if we only take one of them, but suddenly there's a really compelling argument to bring both...

New Team Prediction
Biles, Lee, Carey, Eaker, McCallum/Skinner (one of them is alt.)
Basically what I said before except McCallum/Skinner over Hurd.

VT: (Lee), McCallum/Skinner, Carey, Biles
UB: (Carey or Eaker if it's McCallum on the team), McCallum or Eaker if it's Skinner on the team, Biles, Lee
BB: (McCallum/Skinner), Lee, Eaker, Biles
FX: (Lee), Skinner/McCallum, Carey, Biles
