2019 GK U.S. Classic Live Blog

Hello! This will be my first time attempting to live blog a meet, so we'll see how this goes.

I also have not watched an elite meet live since RIO. Yeah. There are three main reasons.

  1. Life is crazy. (which yeah duh everyone's is. not really a good excuse.)
  2. Learning just how awful elite gymnastics is (was?) really soured the watching experience.
  3. I hate this Code of Points
But I think I am back on the elite train now. Anyways...

Junior Recap
Konnor McClain got revenge (only half joking) and won with a 55.600. She also won vault and beam with a massive 6.1 difficulty score. Sydney Barros was right behind with a 55.300. She outscored McClain on bars and floor, but a beam D-score difference on 7 tenths kept her from winning. Olivia Greaves came in third with a lung off the mat on a DTY, but she was solid everywhere else. Greaves won uneven bars with a 14.200. Skye Blakely came in fourth in the all-around but won floor with a 13.750. Ciena Alipio came in fifth in the all-around and was second on beam. Sydney Morris was second on uneven bars with a 13.800. Kayla DiCello had a bit of a rough competition, but was clean on bars at the end of the meet.

And the winners of the most important competition of all, the "Riley's Favorite Leo(s)" competition were Levi Jung-Ruivivar (because sometimes less is more) and Ella Zirbes (I like the colors)

Now, onto the seniors!

Senior Live Blog
I'm watching the Olympic Channel stream on NBC Sports. AKA I'm going to miss basically everything. Right now we're watching fencing.

The fencing commentator just explained what the "Russ - si - a" chant means. I think it's obvious.

So I just learned that Victoria Nguyen withdrew, and now I'm sad. Emma Malabuyo withdrew yesterday.... *whispers* Texas Nightmares. Shania Adams has also withdrew.

Kind of shook that Tokyo is only a year away. Wasn't Rio yesterday?

Rotation 1

McCusker BB: love the color of the leo, don't like the design. hits the layout! amazing leaps as always. doesn't come close to dying on the dismount. Awesome job.

As someone whose whole family is from Louisville, the way Tim pronounces Louisville makes me wanna die.

Morgan Hurd is the winner of the "Riley's Favorite Leo(s)" competition. I'll let you know if anyone else has a leo worthy of this distinction.

Hurd FX: I appreciate the way she walked on. changed music from Tokyo World Cup. close to OOB on DLO. Good on front double full. Again almost OOB on double tuck. I think I like this music better - it's less choppy. Goob job, but she's saving her best for later.

15.100 for Riley!!

Lee UB: YES YES YES. A bit over on the 1.5 (but it's a 1.5 so come on) and a few steps on the dismount but everything else was perfect and amazing and I'm not over it.

Biles UB: a bit of a struggle on the toe on full. everything else good. close to a stick on the double double. the usual, you know, nbd.

I missed most of Blakely on FX because my mom brought me food (God bless)

McCallum BB: Nastia once again roasting wolf turns. Side aerial + LOSO + LOSO is awesome. double back with a step. Nice job.

Lee gets a 14.650 to Simone's 14.450.

Perea BB: Glad to see her again. SOLID on back with a full. fall on series :(. short on a few of these leaps. Definitely just needs a bit more experience to grow her confidence.

Some scores
VT: Skinner 14.900, Wong 14.700, Finnegan 14.450, Eaker 13.700.
UB: Chiles 13.750
BB: McCallum 14.100, Carey 12.750, Perea 12.200
FX: Jones 13.450, Hurd 13.400

Rotation 2

I don't understand why Classics and/or Nationals weren't moved to make the schedule for those going to Pan Ams less insane.

Hurd VT: Good DTY, small hop

Thomas UB: wearing the beautiful blue Florida leo from Natioanls. A bit of leg separation on the pak but besides that HER FORM. hop on DLO. Nice.

Jones VT: New girl (Tanith?) pronounced her name wrong. Nice DTY a bit of legs but great rotation.

Carey FX: hop back on Moors. close to a stick of Full twisting DLO. Double Double and Punch Front to Double Tuck hop back. Nice job.

Wong UB: wearing last year's Nationals leo for good luck I suppose. Late on toe on full. Deep squat of DLO but made it pretty.

These "I made a bunch of money on Poshmark!!!" ads are making me mad because to make money on Poshmark you already have to have expensive clothes lol. Maybe I'm just bitter no one ever bought something from me.

Biles BB: small wobble on series. missed the switch half to back pike connection. almost stuck full-in. Tim thinks it was a cold stick, but she definitely moved one of her feet.

Chiles BB: took out the wolf turn: RIP Wolfkino. really solid so far. Stuck double pike (a bit low with chest) but yeah I think she made the right move lol.

McCusker FX: No DLO, needs to save the legs if she goes to Pan Ams. Really good front double full punch front. "YEAH RILEY!!!!" after a wolf turn. Missed the last pass because my computer froze asdfhjkl.

McCallum FX: Low on double double. Tim roasting wolf turns too THE TABLES HAVE TURNED. Suck full-in, much better than her scary triple full.

1 Biles, 2 McCusker, 3 Wong, 4 McCallum, 5 Jones, 6 Hurd

Thomas got a 14.200 on bars, Carey 14.250 on floor - same score as McCallum.

Rotation 3

Forester Interview. Thinks the athletes will be okay doing 3 events in a row, but says they can water down at Championships if needed. Says everyone is doing a good job. Which is true because this is definitely less falls than I'm used to seeing at Classics.

Carey VT: a bit of a low chest but small step on Cheng. Some knees.  Just a DTY, big step back.

Hurd UB: Tim roasting Gen Z for not reading books :(. Can't blame him I challenged myself to read a book per month this year and have failed. Aaaaaand my stream froze so I missed the routine.

Eaker BB: wobble on Y turn. Side aerial + LOSO + LOSO is AMAZING. Switch ring + back handspring + Korbort GORGEOUS. Hop on 2.5. Beautiful

Biles FX: "Intergalactic Debut" thanks Tim. He's running out of breath talking about it. Biles + Layout landed OOB. Everything else is great because of course it is.

14.700 for Hurd on bars. She's gonna win bars. GOOD THING I DIDN'T SEE IT.

15.000 for Biles.

Chiles FX: Hop OOB on DLO. Some issues on the rest of the landings.Not as good as she looked on beam but still better than last year.

15.400 for Eaker on beam!!!! Go off sis.

Wong BB: Super solid series. I just love GAGE beam. Rotated the triple full! Great job!

Hollingsworth FX: Tim and Co. not saying anything because they don't know how to talk during a not-star routine lmao. Stuck double pike. Nice job.

Finnegan BB: Hit Arabian. She ain't playing. Solid on series. Good save on punch front. Some problems with leap positions. Aerial + Back Handspring + 1.5! Woah ok. I take back my thoughts on wanting the dismount difficulty requirement back.

E. Lee FX: almost stuck DLO. So high on the 2.5! Once again Tim and Co. don't know what to say.  Nice routine! Tim almost forgot who Amy Chow was smh.

Skinner BB: Solid on back full. Wobble on L turn. Stuck double tuck. Good job 13.750.

I like Skinner's leo and the yellow GAGE leo, but I think I will go ahead and declare Hurd my Leotard Champion.

1 Biles 2 McCusker 3 McCallum 4T Eaker and Wong 6 Hurd

Rotation 4

"The defending champion of... well... everything" Yep.

Biles VT: Only doing the Cheng like some loser pffffft. Just a small hop. Another successful day in the office for Simone Biles.

McCallum UB: Downie + Pak, didn't connect the Cow 1/2. No double double.

Skinner FX: OOB on Moors. Did not get the air time she usually does on the double double. Kind of fell out of the wolf turn. Running out of steam. Downgrades last pas to 1.5 + Single tuck. Just needs some more time. If I was her coach I would've waited to put in the Moors.

McCusker UB: Misses the 3 element combination. Almost stuck dismount. Awesome day for her, but still some areas for improvement which is good at this point in the season.

Wong FX: Deep on the Dos Santos but manages to get the stag leap. Under rotates 3.5. Stuck 2.5 + Layout. Step back on triple.

Jones BB: Grabs beam on Arabian. Wobble on Layout. She's going for the big skills. Step back on double pike. A bit shaky.

Carey UB: I'm ready for the Bhardwaj. Hits it! Missing some on these handstands but sticks dismount. Basically an UB star now. This is how gymnasts that aren't natural bars workers should do bars.

Hurd BB: Bit low on back with a full. Wobble on series. Misses front aerial + yang bo connection. Wobble on switch leap. Good double pike. Not her best but it's Classics (except very few people are competing like it's just Classics lol)

Final Results

  1. Biles 60.000 (casual)
  2. McCusker 57.900 (yay!)
  3. McCallum 57.700
  4. Eaker 56.800 (specialist who?)
  5. Wong 56.650
  6. Hurd 56.500
  7. Finnegan 55.500
  8. Torrez 55.250
  9. Jones 55.050
  10. Carey 54.950 (with a beam fall)
  11. Chiles 54.650
  12. E. Lee 54.400
  13. Perea 52.050 (cut off for qualifying to Championships for those who already haven't is 52.000)
  14. Jeffrey 51.150
  15. Hollingsworth 50.700
Skinner 14.900 VT, 13.750 BB, 12.900 FX
Blakely 13.900 VT, 13.450 BB, 12.550 FX

Gilstrap 13.200 VT, 12.950 BB, 13.100 FX
Vides 13.750 VT, 12.350 BB, 11.600 FX
S. Lee 14.650 UB, 13.900 BB
Thomas 14.200 UB, 14.000 BB

Thanks for reading! This reminded me of live blogging during my Tumblr days haha. I'll probably do a full recap later.
